Our parenting views will change with time.

Monday, September 05, 2016 4:35 PM | Claire (Administrator)

It's that time of the year again. Summer vacation is coming to an end, and it's back to school time. Over the last nine years of parenting, my view on this time of the year has changed significantly.

This was the email that I sent out to Life With A Baby members in 2009, two years after becoming a mom, and one year of the program.

I've been listening to some back to school commercials that call back to school time the most wonderful time of the year for parents because the kids will be back in school. For us new moms with infants or toddlers going to daycare it's not so wonderful. My toddler started daycare last week and I wish I could turn the clock back to when she was younger and I had much more time with her. I really truly hope that I never get to the point where I will feel like back to school time is the best time of the year. To the right is a picture of Katelyn & I when she was five months... and I cannot believe it's been two years already! Where did the time go?

A few years later in 2012, I had a different perspective and was a bit more reasonable. Let's face it, as our kids get older, and we are further along in our parenting journey our views change.

Katelyn is now 5 years old and in SK. I also have a 13 month old little guy Ethan. I still don't consider back to school time as the most wonderful time of the year, but it is pretty darn close :-). This time when I heard the commercials, I nodded with understanding and I honestly looked forward to getting some structure in both our days. After a full summer of fun, bonding and exhaustion, I was glad for school to start again.

Now, seven years after my initial email I can joyfully sing along with the commercials. I wholeheartedly agree! It is the most wonderful time of the year.

Now don't get me wrong. I love all the good times that we spend together. Note that I specified the good times. Realistically, having the kids around all the time over the summer months gets tiring. I miss the routine of the school year. I will not miss hearing them saying "I'm bored".

I will send them off to school happy with the realization that we had a fantastic summer. I will enjoy the quality time we have in the evenings and on the weekends glad that I was able to get work done, and they are learning what they need to at school.

I'm also happy because September gets us closer to fall, the gorgeous colours, the long family walks, the cuddles in evenings after school. I do love this time of year. 

With time our parenting views change, I look back at the time when I didn't want my kids to get older fondly. I loved that time. I'm glad I felt that way then.

Now, I'm at a new place in my parenting journey. Now I don't mind that they are getting older. In fact, I want them to. I love the conversations. I love their personalities. I love experiencing the different stages that they are going through. 

And I'm absolutely OK with them going off, and being away for me for a bit.  I'm sure in a few months, in the dead of winter, I'll be looking forward to summer break and all the fun we will have together, yet again.

How has your parenting journey evolved? What's one thing that you felt strongly about when your child was an infant that has completely changed?

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