Infant Sleep (ONLINE)

  • Wednesday, December 09, 2020
  • 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
  • ONLINE VIA ZOOM *link details to come!



Connie Butera is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Infant Sleep Workshop

Time: Dec 9, 2020 10:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

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Passcode: 053325

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A message from the presenter:

I am so excited for this! Please advise the mom's that I (we - because I will send it to you) will be sending them a very detailed handout after the webinar so there is no need for them to take notes. I figure this is best because that way I can include the answers to any questions that the mom's bring up on the handout or if we get off topic because they ask something I don't have planned to discuss I can easily gear the handout to the discussion. I would love for them to have their cameras on and all babes are welcome - I love seeing the little ones - if they feel comfortable. 

If they submit any questions ahead of time please just let me know and I will try my best to answer them in my presentation.

Thank you again for this opportunity.

Have a great weekend!


Daphne Dunlap



Wednesday, December 09, 2020

Normal Infant Sleep - a look at normal infant sleep in the first year of life with Sleep Consultant Daphne Dunlap of Aligned Littles Sleep

Daphne is a Baby-Led Sleep & Well Being Specialist whose passion is supporting families in getting more sleep without using traditional sleep training. Her goal is to educate our community on normal and safe infant sleep throughout the first year of life. She believes that your relationship with your baby is the most important and her approach is rooted in attachment theory (which is different from attachment parenting). During her presentation she will be busting some common myths about infant sleep, sharing five red flags that could interfere with sleep, and giving you tips and tricks for creating the most optimal conditions for everyone in your household to get more sleep. Daphne empowers all mamas to tune in to their baby, trust their instincts, and follow their heart. She always encourages mothers to keep the parts of their sleep routine that they love and supports them in making changes to anything that is no longer working for them.  

Join us virtually!!!  Feel free to keep your mic and camera off if you are more 

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