This workshop is for professionals and service providers who work with families.
Research shows that BIPOC parents are 40% more likely to experience a Perinatal Mood & Anxiety Disorder (PAMD). In this workshop, we will dig into the WHY. How can we better support BIPOC families? Did you know that Racism is an Adverse Childhood Experience (ACE)?
Our recent survey of BIPOC parents across Canada showed that 59% do not know where to access perinatal mental health services.
How do we fill these gaps?
Join us for this one-hour workshop with Dr. Stuart Shanker as we dig into the neuroscience of intergenerational trauma and it's impact on the brain to help you understand the answer to WHY BIPOC families are more likely to experience a PMAD. And most importantly, what you can do to better support these families.

It's crucial for service providers and those who work with parents and children to understand the impact of trauma, systemic racism, inherent biases and how each affects marginalized communities.
Suppose the link between trauma and outcomes in racialized and marginalized communities is missed. In that case, we miss the opportunity to make crucial connections that allow us to provide better, more empathic, and culturally sensitive care.
Join us for a talk with Dr. Stuart Shanker, author of the Self-Reg trilogy and founder of the MEHRIT Centre, to lead a discussion about going a step further to examine how those factors relate to providing culturally appropriate care.
Dr. Stuart Shanker
Dr. Stuart Shanker (D.Phil) is a Distinguished Research Professor Emeritus of Philosophy and Psychology, the CEO of The MEHRIT Centre, Ltd., and founder and Scientific Director of Self-Reg Global Inc. One of his many books, “Calm, Alert and Learning: Classroom Strategies for Self-Regulation (2012)”, is a top-selling educational publication in Canada., Self-Reg: How to Help Your Child (and You) Break the Stress Cycle and Successfully Engage With Life (2016),has garnered enthusiastic reviews and media attention throughout North America and has also been published in the UK, the US, Poland, Germany, South Korea, China, The Netherlands, and The Czech Republic. His latest books are Self-Reg Schools: A Handbook for Educators (2019) and Reframed: Self-Reg for a Just Society (2020)
Over the past decade, Dr. Shanker has served as an advisor on early child development to government organizations across Canada and the United States, and in countries around the world. During this period, he became increasingly interested in the impact of excessive stress on child development and behaviour. Dr. Shanker’s five-step Self-Reg model, The Shanker Method®, is a powerful process for understanding and managing stress in children, youth and adults.
In 2012 Dr. Shanker founded The MEHRIT Centre as a Self-Reg learning and information centre. Dr. Shanker commits considerable time to bringing the research and science of Self-Reg to parents, early childhood educators, teachers, educational leaders, health practitioners and communities through presentations, master classes, online courses, webinars, publications, social media and blogs.