dealing with separation anxiety

  • Thursday, October 27, 2011 8:26 AM
    Message # 734559
    Hello Ladies,
    As a new mom i found myself overwhelmed by different opinions and advises of how to raise my child.... at the end of the day i choose to do what i felt right on my heart, so i carry my baby a lot, breastfed her only on free demand, slept with her until i felt she was ready and more comfortable on her own bed and answer to her cues asap. So everything was surprisingly easy during the first 6 months. 
    Now she is 6 months and a half and the challenge has began.... she is a extremely high needs baby and some days she wont even let me go to the toilet without  crying after me like i was abandoning her (even when i let the door open so she can see me, she will try to stand up in the toilet trying to reach me) ... she is such a drama queen lol
    I love to be her number one and i still feel that the best thing for her development is to spend all the time with me but i'm starting to get exhausted and have other thoughts so i would love to hear from other moms who have or had similar situations.

    Last modified: Friday, October 28, 2011 2:01 PM | Carolina
  • Tuesday, November 01, 2011 8:55 PM
    Reply # 739732 on 734559
    Carolina wrote:Hello Ladies,
    As a new mom i found myself overwhelmed by different opinions and advises of how to raise my child.... at the end of the day i choose to do what i felt right on my heart, so i carry my baby a lot, breastfed her only on free demand, slept with her until i felt she was ready and more comfortable on her own bed and answer to her cues asap. So everything was surprisingly easy during the first 6 months. 
    Now she is 6 months and a half and the challenge has began.... she is a extremely high needs baby and some days she wont even let me go to the toilet without  crying after me like i was abandoning her (even when i let the door open so she can see me, she will try to stand up in the toilet trying to reach me) ... she is such a drama queen lol
    I love to be her number one and i still feel that the best thing for her development is to spend all the time with me but i'm starting to get exhausted and have other thoughts so i would love to hear from other moms who have or had similar situations.

    Hi Carolina!

    I think we can all, as moms, relate to how good it feels to be loved and needed by your baby; we should definitely enjoy it 'while we can'. It's definitely good for the baby to feel loved and supported 'on demand', to feel safe; but I think it's also good for them to develop some mommy-free independence, to ultimately learn how to be a confident individual also... (i know that's really far away still, but we can start to lay the 'seeds' early), as well as not running yourself into the ground while caring for the baby 24/7...  I'm not sure how this might work into your weekly schedule, but try to have some periods, even just for an hour or so, where you leave the house completely and let daddy take care of her, all on his own. She'll put up a fuss for sure while you're leaving, and maybe even while you're gone in the beginning - my son cries like crazy when I leave for work, I can hear him bawling all the way down the hallway, by the elevator, it's really hard to listen to - but eventually she'll be fine and learn that it's not the end of the world, and will be even so much happier to see you when you're back. The Ontario Early Years Centre (Oakridges Riding, closest location to us) has a program on Saturday mornings for 'daddy and baby', where only dads (or other male relatives - no women) are allowed to bring their babies (children from birth to 6 years actually) to the centre, to interact with them and other babies/dads there, while also giving mom a break at home. You can email them for the schedule, or even email me, as I get them monthly.

    That's just one small suggestion I can make... good luck with your little drama queen! :)
    Last modified: Tuesday, November 01, 2011 8:59 PM | Tatiana
  • Wednesday, November 02, 2011 7:47 AM
    Reply # 740031 on 739732
    Tatiana wrote:
    Carolina wrote:Hello Ladies,
    As a new mom i found myself overwhelmed by different opinions and advises of how to raise my child.... at the end of the day i choose to do what i felt right on my heart, so i carry my baby a lot, breastfed her only on free demand, slept with her until i felt she was ready and more comfortable on her own bed and answer to her cues asap. So everything was surprisingly easy during the first 6 months. 
    Now she is 6 months and a half and the challenge has began.... she is a extremely high needs baby and some days she wont even let me go to the toilet without  crying after me like i was abandoning her (even when i let the door open so she can see me, she will try to stand up in the toilet trying to reach me) ... she is such a drama queen lol
    I love to be her number one and i still feel that the best thing for her development is to spend all the time with me but i'm starting to get exhausted and have other thoughts so i would love to hear from other moms who have or had similar situations.

    Hi Carolina!

    I think we can all, as moms, relate to how good it feels to be loved and needed by your baby; we should definitely enjoy it 'while we can'. It's definitely good for the baby to feel loved and supported 'on demand', to feel safe; but I think it's also good for them to develop some mommy-free independence, to ultimately learn how to be a confident individual also... (i know that's really far away still, but we can start to lay the 'seeds' early), as well as not running yourself into the ground while caring for the baby 24/7...  I'm not sure how this might work into your weekly schedule, but try to have some periods, even just for an hour or so, where you leave the house completely and let daddy take care of her, all on his own. She'll put up a fuss for sure while you're leaving, and maybe even while you're gone in the beginning - my son cries like crazy when I leave for work, I can hear him bawling all the way down the hallway, by the elevator, it's really hard to listen to - but eventually she'll be fine and learn that it's not the end of the world, and will be even so much happier to see you when you're back. The Ontario Early Years Centre (Oakridges Riding, closest location to us) has a program on Saturday mornings for 'daddy and baby', where only dads (or other male relatives - no women) are allowed to bring their babies (children from birth to 6 years actually) to the centre, to interact with them and other babies/dads there, while also giving mom a break at home. You can email them for the schedule, or even email me, as I get them monthly.

    That's just one small suggestion I can make... good luck with your little drama queen! :)
    Thank you so much for your answer Tatiana :)
    She is a little better this weeks but i definitively need NEED SOME TIME OFF, and this program in Saturdays sounds like a wonderful idea. 
  • Monday, April 16, 2012 10:51 AM
    Reply # 890804 on 734559
    I know it's been a while since you posted but my baby is almost 5 months and so far i don't feel trapped!! 
    I did a bit at the beginning and I just went to Monday Mary Kay meetings to get out by myself and now try to meet people with my business for myself and baby. When my son is crying I talk to him or sing songs but if it goes longer than 5 mins I'll pick him up. I'm learning all kinds of approaches from friends and family. Having friends come for a visit and letting them hold the baby is great too!!

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