How many times a day do you give meat to the baby? Portion sizes?

  • Thursday, December 10, 2009 8:23 PM
    Message # 255536

    Hi mommies,

    My daughter is 9 months now and so we are approaching the change in her diet - you know when you breastfeed after the solids, not before. I am a bit nervous about it, afraid to lose my milk supply, but I guess I have to adjust to this somehow.

    Since she is getting older, I think I need to figure out what I am still not clear about. For example, would you give meat to a baby this age twice or once a day?

    How big would an average portion be, let's say for lunch? I am concerned about overfeeding her, because she is such a good eater, sometimes she eats a lot.

    On the opposite, I also have this feeling inside that she needs to eat, even when she does not want to (happens rarely I have to say!). It's like an anxiety, because that's how I was brought up - that kids must eat!!! I know all the books say not to feed a baby when she does not want to, I find I have to really make an effort at this... Does anyone feel the same way?




  • Monday, December 21, 2009 7:48 PM
    Reply # 259612 on 255536
    Anna Moldavski wrote:

    Hi mommies,

    My daughter is 9 months now and so we are approaching the change in her diet - you know when you breastfeed after the solids, not before. I am a bit nervous about it, afraid to lose my milk supply, but I guess I have to adjust to this somehow.

    Since she is getting older, I think I need to figure out what I am still not clear about. For example, would you give meat to a baby this age twice or once a day?

    How big would an average portion be, let's say for lunch? I am concerned about overfeeding her, because she is such a good eater, sometimes she eats a lot.

    On the opposite, I also have this feeling inside that she needs to eat, even when she does not want to (happens rarely I have to say!). It's like an anxiety, because that's how I was brought up - that kids must eat!!! I know all the books say not to feed a baby when she does not want to, I find I have to really make an effort at this... Does anyone feel the same way?




    My boy is 9 months old and has been eating solids since he was 6 months old. He eats 3 solid meals a day. I only feed him meat at lunch time each day (about 2 tablespoon). I found that when I fed him meat at lunch and dinner, he had some constipation. But he is fine if I only feed him meat
    at lunch time. He also eats 2 tablespoon of organic yogurt each morning. This seems to work for him.

    I am curious to know what other babies eat too, especially their daily feeding schedule from 9 months to 12 months.


  • Thursday, January 28, 2010 9:39 AM
    Reply # 275426 on 255536

    My little guy is not at 9 months yet, but I have a baby food guide from the york region website. It out lines how many tbsp of each thing your baby needs.

    Here is the link:

    I keep a copy on my fridge and use it as a guideline. (pg 12)

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