How much milk does a 7 month old need?

  • Sunday, December 20, 2009 6:35 PM
    Message # 259260
    My baby is going to be 7 months by the end of the month.  She's  become very fussy with her milk feeds.  She's almost exclusively breastfed with the exception of a formula bottle at night (because it helps her sleep through the night without waking to feed).  Lately she just does not want milk and it feels like we are force-feeding her.  She'll squirm and scream. 

    She's only on two solid meals a day (breakfast and dinner).  Up until 3 weeks ago, she would nurse about 5-6 times/day but now is not interested in nursing or a bottle.  Not sure what's going on or if this is normal once solids are introduced?  We are planning on scaling back the solids in the hopes she'll become more interested in milk again. 

    Has anyone had a similar experience?  Any tips or advice? 


  • Sunday, December 20, 2009 5:12 PM
    Reply # 259303 on 259260

    My baby is also 7 months old and I also exclusively breastfeed her during the day and then give her 1 bottle of expressed breastmilk for her last feeding.  I've been through several boughts of her not wanting milk all of a first I thought it was just me but then she also refused the bottle.....

    Just when I was in panick mode, she decided she wanted milk again, and this time, more often....

    When I checked with the doctor, the doctor said to remember that babies are simply more hungry on certain days and less hungry on others...also to check for irritants like teething.  I also did a weight check and the baby was gaining weight appropriately, an indication that her changing appetite was normal.  Many sources say that solids do cause baby to drink less....i've found this is true but not to the extreme, perhaps by an ounce or two per feeding.

  • Tuesday, December 22, 2009 2:05 PM
    Reply # 259835 on 259260
    Karen V wrote:My baby is going to be 7 months by the end of the month.  She's  become very fussy with her milk feeds.  She's almost exclusively breastfed with the exception of a formula bottle at night (because it helps her sleep through the night without waking to feed).  Lately she just does not want milk and it feels like we are force-feeding her.  She'll squirm and scream. 

    She's only on two solid meals a day (breakfast and dinner).  Up until 3 weeks ago, she would nurse about 5-6 times/day but now is not interested in nursing or a bottle.  Not sure what's going on or if this is normal once solids are introduced?  We are planning on scaling back the solids in the hopes she'll become more interested in milk again. 

    Has anyone had a similar experience?  Any tips or advice? 


    My daughter is also 7 months old and the same thing started happening with her over the past few weeks.  My pediatrician said not to worry unless she stops gaining weight according to her growth chart.  I found that she tries to "catch up" with her feedings at other, odd times during the day.  She was feeding 4-5 times a day (mostly formula now) and lately has moved up to 6 times or down to 3.  Or she won't take a bottle right after solids but an hour or two later she has a full bottle.  It's thrown her eating schedule off by quite a bit but I'm just following her moves and letting her tell me what she wants and when.

    I had her on 2 meals a day and tried 3 but then she refused breast and bottle altogether so I'm back to only 2 meals a day.  I'm finding though that she's eating A LOT more solids all of a sudden so I have just been trying the bottle a little while later.  For example, two hours after breakfast (cereal) she would normally go for her nap.  I've been giving her the bottle right before nap time to help her go to sleep (my baby has also been having major sleep issues lately - this after sleeping through the night practically since birth). 

    I would just follow their lead and let them tell you what they want.  So long as they're gaining weight, I wouldn't worry too much.  I'm sure that the schedule will get back on track soon (that's what I'm counting on!).

  • Wednesday, December 23, 2009 4:25 AM
    Reply # 260073 on 259303
    Elaine Dharmai wrote:

    My baby is also 7 months old and I also exclusively breastfeed her during the day and then give her 1 bottle of expressed breastmilk for her last feeding.  I've been through several boughts of her not wanting milk all of a first I thought it was just me but then she also refused the bottle.....

    Just when I was in panick mode, she decided she wanted milk again, and this time, more often....

    When I checked with the doctor, the doctor said to remember that babies are simply more hungry on certain days and less hungry on others...also to check for irritants like teething.  I also did a weight check and the baby was gaining weight appropriately, an indication that her changing appetite was normal.  Many sources say that solids do cause baby to drink less....i've found this is true but not to the extreme, perhaps by an ounce or two per feeding.

    Unfortunately I really don't think her appetite for milk is coming back.  There are days where she'll drink a little more than on others but this is rare.  Perhaps the part that is on my mind is what I read in magazines, online etc and that her pediatrician told me that she should be getting about 24 oz per day and I know that's not what she's getting.  She is definitely teething although I've been told that teething does NOT decrease babies appetite.  We tried cutting back one of her solid meals but that did not make her want more milk.  I am just worried about her not getting enough of the nutritional benefits of milk.  I'm a first time Mom .. I just worry ... I think I need to work on not worrying!
  • Wednesday, December 23, 2009 4:42 AM
    Reply # 260078 on 259835
    Antonella Minchella wrote:
    Karen V wrote:My baby is going to be 7 months by the end of the month.  She's  become very fussy with her milk feeds.  She's almost exclusively breastfed with the exception of a formula bottle at night (because it helps her sleep through the night without waking to feed).  Lately she just does not want milk and it feels like we are force-feeding her.  She'll squirm and scream. 

    She's only on two solid meals a day (breakfast and dinner).  Up until 3 weeks ago, she would nurse about 5-6 times/day but now is not interested in nursing or a bottle.  Not sure what's going on or if this is normal once solids are introduced?  We are planning on scaling back the solids in the hopes she'll become more interested in milk again. 

    Has anyone had a similar experience?  Any tips or advice? 


    My daughter is also 7 months old and the same thing started happening with her over the past few weeks.  My pediatrician said not to worry unless she stops gaining weight according to her growth chart.  I found that she tries to "catch up" with her feedings at other, odd times during the day.  She was feeding 4-5 times a day (mostly formula now) and lately has moved up to 6 times or down to 3.  Or she won't take a bottle right after solids but an hour or two later she has a full bottle.  It's thrown her eating schedule off by quite a bit but I'm just following her moves and letting her tell me what she wants and when.

    I had her on 2 meals a day and tried 3 but then she refused breast and bottle altogether so I'm back to only 2 meals a day.  I'm finding though that she's eating A LOT more solids all of a sudden so I have just been trying the bottle a little while later.  For example, two hours after breakfast (cereal) she would normally go for her nap.  I've been giving her the bottle right before nap time to help her go to sleep (my baby has also been having major sleep issues lately - this after sleeping through the night practically since birth). 

    I would just follow their lead and let them tell you what they want.  So long as they're gaining weight, I wouldn't worry too much.  I'm sure that the schedule will get back on track soon (that's what I'm counting on!).

    Sounds like you have my baby!!  I found that my baby just did not go through that 6 month growth spurt ... although she's in the 75th percentile and gaining weight.  I just expected her to ravish her feeds like she did with her 3 month growth spurt.  However that's yet to happen.  She seems to want solids more than she cares for milk. 

    I am actually not as concerned about the eating since we've moved on to the dreaded sleep problems now.  At first I thought I was one of the lucky few to be exempt from the sleep problems because she was a fantastic sleeper.  However for the past week she has started waking at 4 am and cannot be soothed long-term.  I know she's teething and I've tried Camilia (herbal remedy) but that's not helping.  Tried Tylenol but I am not willing to give that to her more than once a week at the most or until I actually see her gums go while so I know she's cutting her teeth or else I could be drugging her forever.  I've isolated all other possible anomalies (not sick, not cold or warm, not hungry ..although she did want to nurse for about 2 minutes tonight which may have been unrelated to actual hunger but more just soothing, does not want her pacifier).   She could have silent reflux (i.,e. where they don't actually spit up) which I want to get investigated although I find her Pediatrician just tells me that she'll grow out of it so I think it's useless going to him.     

    Last modified: Wednesday, December 23, 2009 4:42 AM | Karen
  • Monday, January 25, 2010 4:01 AM
    Reply # 273583 on 259260
    I just thought I'd post a little follow-up as this may help Moms with similar problems. 

    So it turned out that my baby was indeed teething.  Over the past 5 weeks, she's gotten 6 teeth and there are more coming in.  I attribute the loss of appetite (although this is not a common teething symptom) and of course the waking at night to her teething. 

    Teething can be a nightmare and some babies, like mine, really suffer.  Many babies don't exhibit any signs of teething and their parents are lucky enough to just discover a spontaneous tooth or two one day. 

    Teething patterns are generally hereditary so that should give parents a rough idea of when to expect the pearly whites and help your baby deal with the development.  My baby took after her Dad as he got his first teeth at 7 months and in the same pattern.  Too bad my mother-in-law told me this after the fact :)

    Last modified: Monday, January 25, 2010 4:01 AM | Karen

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