Finger Food Challenges

  • Saturday, January 09, 2010 1:27 PM
    Message # 266050

    Greetings All,

    I'm having trouble getting my one year old, Cora, to eat table food.  She enjoys her purees and will eat peices of toast, cheerios, chunks of banana, steemed pears, cheese and dried fruit like rasins.  Those successes aside, I cannot get her to eat a chuky puree with either rice or pasta in it or cottage cheese...  She just spits them out.  She has shown very little interest in the table food I've put on her tray.

    Any suggestions?  I'm somewhat stumped on what I should offer her so any tips would be appreciated.  Thank You.

    Larisa  :)

  • Friday, January 22, 2010 7:06 PM
    Reply # 272689 on 266050
    Deleted user
    Larisa Webb wrote:

    Greetings All,

    I'm having trouble getting my one year old, Cora, to eat table food.  She enjoys her purees and will eat peices of toast, cheerios, chunks of banana, steemed pears, cheese and dried fruit like rasins.  Those successes aside, I cannot get her to eat a chuky puree with either rice or pasta in it or cottage cheese...  She just spits them out.  She has shown very little interest in the table food I've put on her tray.

    Any suggestions?  I'm somewhat stumped on what I should offer her so any tips would be appreciated.  Thank You.

    Larisa  :)

    Hi Larissa. 

    Don't sweat it, luv.  Just let her "tell" you what she likes or needs.  They usually try out many different types of food at their own pace.  Just introduce small portions of your suggested food and see if she likes it.  Otherwise, stick with the healthy stuff she's currently enjoying. 

    Its funny how some types of food turn out to be their favorite for awhile. Like my 2 yr old currently has this infatuation with tofu and noodles, would ignore rice which she used to like a lot.  And my 8 mos old would spit out the chunky puree like those meat & vegie combo, and sticks with cereal mix, single vegie or single fruit puree.  Sometimes to "discuss and convince" him that he needs and might like some meat, I would take a tiny teaspoonful of that meat puree and add a tad bit of fruit puree on top.  He probably tastes the sweet fruit first and would think the entire teaspoon is filled with it.  Until 2-5 teaspoons later realize there's something odd with his favorite and out it goes with a bit of complaint.  So I revert to the single-vegie puree then try, ok sneak in, the mix again.  With my 2 older kids, the same happened and surprisingly in the next meal they eventually ate it like "oh mom, this is so yummy!!!" kind of appetite.

  • Friday, January 22, 2010 8:59 PM
    Reply # 272741 on 266050
    Claire (Administrator)

    Hey Larissa,

    It may just be her personal taste, she may just NOT like cottage cheese. Myself, hate the stuff - If someone gave you something you don't like you would not eat it, so it's the same thing here and since she cannot tell you she doesn't like the taste or consistency, she just spits it out. 

    I think the same goes for pureed pasta.  Can you imagine what the consistency would be like for that :-)  he he .  Regarding the pasta, I would cook it really well so it's soft and then give her bite size peices so she can finger feed herself with it.  If she is into finger foods right now, just find a well balanced meal where she can finger feed herself and while she is feeding herself, you can feed her some of her favourite pureed food in between.

    Also, keep in mind that just b/c she is not eating the cottage cheese at 12 months doesn't mean that she may not like it at 14 months, so always keep trying new foods at intervals and something she dislikes now may turn out to be her favourite for a month or two at a later stage.

    Good luck with it :-)


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