new ideas of finger foods

  • Tuesday, August 31, 2010 9:45 AM
    Message # 411268

    My twins are 9.5 months old and we are still introducing them to new foods.  They (especially my daughter) seem to like to feed themselves more than being fed "mush."  I am running out of ideas of what to give them that is not to hard/crunchy, not a chokable (my daughter seems to gag easily).  We have made them meatballs that they love; they like peas, watermelon, bread, muffins, grapes (no skin, very small pieces), mum mums, cheerios, puffs, and soft carrots and pears.  Any other ideas for grains or protein that they can pick up and feed themselves?  We tried fish and they didn't seem to like the texture too much.

    thanks for your suggestions!


  • Tuesday, August 31, 2010 3:28 PM
    Reply # 411465 on 411268

    I do baby led solids and my 7.5 month old has been feeding herself since 6 months.  She absolutely loves sweet potatoes baked in strips with a little italian seasoning.  She can hold it herself and it is easy to chew without teeth as she doesn't have any :) 

    You can try cooked egg yolks for protein.   My daughter can eat small pieces of chicken or tender beef like pot roast now that she is working on her pincer grasp. 

    For grains, try toast fingers or cereal made with less liquid - my DD uses her fingers as dippers or she get a fistful of cereal and gets it to her mouth. 

    Doing baby led weaning, I have come to expect some gagging and my babe can spit out anything that she gags on but I am prepared in case she can't.  As long as they are the ones putting the food into their mouths and are sitting upright, your babies will likely do OK feeding themselves. 

    Check out "Baby Led Weaning" by Gill Rapley.  She has a website too.



    Last modified: Tuesday, August 31, 2010 3:28 PM | Sandra
  • Wednesday, September 08, 2010 8:54 AM
    Reply # 415139 on 411465
    Sandra Athron wrote:

    I do baby led solids and my 7.5 month old has been feeding herself since 6 months.  She absolutely loves sweet potatoes baked in strips with a little italian seasoning.  She can hold it herself and it is easy to chew without teeth as she doesn't have any :) 

    You can try cooked egg yolks for protein.   My daughter can eat small pieces of chicken or tender beef like pot roast now that she is working on her pincer grasp. 

    For grains, try toast fingers or cereal made with less liquid - my DD uses her fingers as dippers or she get a fistful of cereal and gets it to her mouth. 

    Doing baby led weaning, I have come to expect some gagging and my babe can spit out anything that she gags on but I am prepared in case she can't.  As long as they are the ones putting the food into their mouths and are sitting upright, your babies will likely do OK feeding themselves. 

    Check out "Baby Led Weaning" by Gill Rapley.  She has a website too.



    Thanks Sandra, these are helpful suggestions.  I have tried egg yokes and they weren't too keen on it, so I have to hide it with other food.  I am going to try the sweet potato "fries" you suggested, they will probably love that.  I do give the bowl of cereal to my daughter, but she tends to just finger paint with it instead of putting it in her mouth.  Guess I will just keep experimenting, and I will check out Baby Led Weaning, sounds great!
  • Friday, September 10, 2010 4:38 PM
    Reply # 416516 on 411268

    Hi again,

    Just to let you know that I also put a bit of olive oil on the sweet potato strips before baking.  Handfulls of mashed potato are also a bit hit. 

    Baby led weaning is basically starting with whole foods and not purees.  My little girl still gags on things if she gets too much in her mouth but then she usually spits it out or sometimes manages to swallow it.  Today she was eating a half banana and gagged a bit, swallowed, and then continued to shove what was left of the banana in again LOL.

    From what I have read, if a food isn't a hit, just offer it again later and the babies might be interested at a later date.


  • Friday, September 10, 2010 11:07 PM
    Reply # 416676 on 411268
    My daughter is an awful eater but I've gathered some tips and looked at some finger foods ideas online and in books at Indigo. How about medium firm cooked cubes of tofu, cheese, beans (I saw a mom giving her son baked beans in molasses and he loved them), chick peas, rice cakes with a bit of cream cheese or other spread or plain, french toast, pancakes (cut up of course), pita cut up into little chips and toasted lightly, pasta, japanese soba noodles (they're the fat ones), mini muffins, canned fruit drained, green or yellow beans cooked, asparagus, bites of bagel, freeze dried fruit snacks, any cracker with low salt, high quality deli meats since other meats are often hard for babies to chew or digest, organic vegetarian pate made with seeds and nuts (you can find them in certain stores and some kids love it apparently), melba toast pieces, Ryvita, rice crackers, etc., etc., 
    I suggest doing some reading online and you'd be amazed at the endless possibilities. Obviously, it's hit and miss but worth a shot Also, my daughter refuses something one day and eats it another or eats something great one time and never again. They are so strange like that.
    Some soft fruits and veg are hard for them to pick up and eat so I've heard of coating them in wheatgerm or crushed cheerios to give a bit of grip. I tried it and my daughter was disgusted but my sister in laws three kids eat them like that fine. Every child is different.
  • Sunday, September 19, 2010 8:53 PM
    Reply # 421096 on 411268
    Deleted user
    I like the food suggestions here!  Keep it coming.  My little guy is in that like-avert cycle again...argh!  Maybe these can help with his meals.

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