baby refuses to get nails cut and teeth brushed!

  • Sunday, February 26, 2012 11:32 AM
    Message # 836151
    My one year old absolutely hates it when I try to brush his teeth and trim his nails.
    For teethbrushing, he won't let me put anything in his mouth - he used to be ok when I used a facecloth to wipe his teeth, but now he won't even let me do that without screaming!  We tried to brush our teeth in front of him and gave him a toothbrush to hold to see if he wanted to copy us - but he had no interest whatsoever. My husband and I tried to hold him still, but he just keeps his mouth closed and we can't get any finger brush, toothbrush, cloth, let alone toothpaste in his mouth.  I'm afraid his teeth are going to decay. Does anyone have any suggestions or experiencing the same thing?

    For trimming his nails, it's a huge battle! He screams and cries as soon as I hold his hand. It's like he knows I'm about to cut his nails.  Even having two people try to hold him still, distracting with toys, a book -  it's a real challenge and can barely cut one nail.  We can't really trim his nails when he's sleeping as he only sleeps in the dark in his crib and is easily awakened.  Does anyone have any suggestions?  I really don't want to continue this "torturous" method of pinning him down to try to cut his nails.
  • Sunday, February 26, 2012 9:09 PM
    Reply # 836414 on 836151
    For brushing teeth, I believe they are not supposed to use toothpaste (with fluoride) until older anyway... I still use only a wash cloth as it's also pretty hard to get into my son's mouth to clean his teeth after each meal. I try to play a game first, with 'here comes mr. finger' (with the cloth over it); he laughs all the time at first  and points to his teeth - he knows what's coming - but then fights once I put the finger in his mouth to clean. I try to tell him cleaning top teeth, bottom teeth, back teeth, etc, which helps sometimes. I'm also quite used to his biting my finger while I'm in there, it hurts but tolerable, to get the job done. And yes he'll still fuss and complain, but I just hold him firmly and try to be quick about it. He's fine right after I'm finished, and laughs about it the next time again, when Mr. Finger comes out with a wet cloth.

    For nail cutting, distraction is definitely key, so you have to find something extraordinarily fascinating, to keep his focus off the nails. Try TV, if other things don't work? Or get your husband/family to sing and act silly, while you quickly trim the nails, with a baby nail clipper. And sometimes you might need to stop and do it in several tries, if you can't get through all fingers in one go. We find that us singing new songs can really catch his attention for a little while, while trying to get through fussy activities like changing, nail trimming, etc. (Not all the time, but it helps often.)
    Last modified: Sunday, February 26, 2012 9:13 PM | Tatiana
  • Monday, March 05, 2012 1:35 PM
    Reply # 848248 on 836151
    My son also hated getting his nailed trimmed and teeth brushed around 1 yr old, but now at 20 months he is great at both. For nails, I ended up having to use the TV. It is still a novelty for him, since I don't have the TV on during the day. So once or twice a week, he'll get to sit in his chair (this started out in his highchair) and get his fingernails and toenails trimmed while watching some Bob the Builder. When he was younger, it helped when I made a funny noise and face with the sound of the click.

    For teeth, we got him his own toothbrush and toddler toothpaste and we always brush his teeth in front of mirror so he can look at himself. He is now on a step at the sink, which he loves, but at 1 yr we were still holding him. Him and I alternate turns - he pretty much just chews or sucks on the toothbrush for about 10 seconds, then I tell him it's my turn and then I count to 5 or 10 while I brush his teeth. (When he was 1, I probably only counted to 3). This goes back and forth for a few minutes. The counting helped a lot because then he understood there was a start and an end. I also let him brush his hair with his hairbrush while I brush his teeth.
  • Monday, March 05, 2012 1:39 PM
    Reply # 848259 on 836151

    We brush our 18 months old with a stage 1 tooth brush and toothpaste (fluoride free) when either of us is also brushing our teeth.  When he sees one of us also brushing our teeth then he would open his mouth too.

    With nail cutting, I always cut his nails while he's sleeping.  If at night, I would have to use a flashlight.

    Last modified: Monday, March 05, 2012 1:42 PM | Diane
  • Monday, March 05, 2012 4:14 PM
    Reply # 848398 on 836151

    Our 18 month old still objects sometimes, but a couple of things have helped for us - berry flavoured fluoride free toothpaste and mama singing a song about brusing teeth (totally made up song, to the tune of Twinkle, Twinkle).  Usually her father hold her while I brush, but sometimes for a novelty we will sit her on a dining room chair by herself to brush.  We don't let her get away with refusing entirely to brush, and we never have, so I think now she knows that if she doen't give in right away we will just wait and insist rather than giving in.

    For finger nails - we put on the TV cable channel that just shows a big fish tank with fish swimming around.   I think it is 575.  We put this on the biggest HD TV possible for just those 5 minutes :)

  • Tuesday, March 06, 2012 11:10 AM
    Reply # 849210 on 836151
    A tip I heard that worked well until my son got over his nail clipper fear was to just clip one finger and/or toe nail a night.  
    Make it a bit of a big deal that he/she can decide which long one gets trimmed first, then the fun in trying to remember the next day.  You can make it part of the bedtime routine. 
    Eventually, they just get used to it being part of what needs to happen and you know that at least they are each getting cut at least once a week!  Plus, the torture only lasts for one finger nail!

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