Toddler biting

  • Monday, July 05, 2010 10:02 PM
    Message # 376858
    My boy is 15 months old and has 8 teeth. Even before he had teeth, he liked to bite everything in sight. Lately he had been biting my exposed flesh (shoulders, thighs, knees, fingers, etc). I always tell him 'No' each time and move his mouth away from my body. But he is still doing it. It really hurts! (I have bled on occasion)

    Any advice on how to get him to stop?

  • Monday, July 05, 2010 11:04 PM
    Reply # 376887 on 376858

    My guy went through the same thing a few months ago...I hate to say it but I bit him back. Not hard of course and just on the finger and when he cried I told him "ouch" and "that hurts" I then immediatley comforted him and I felt awful...but he hasnt bit me since. I would use that as your last resort, I would try moving him completely away from you (if ur holding him put him down) and instead of saying "no" try calmly saying "ouch" and telling him it hurts you. I know its hard but dont yelp when he does it or react dramatically because then he is getting a rise out of you and he will keep doing it.

    Hope that helps!!

  • Thursday, July 08, 2010 9:07 PM
    Reply # 379004 on 376858
    Thanks! I might just try that! I know it seems so 'uncivilized' to bite him back. But nothing seems to work so far. He bit me when he was happy/excited, as well as when he was upset/frustrated.
  • Thursday, August 12, 2010 1:30 AM
    Reply # 401351 on 376858
    Deleted user
    Oh geez, I went through that painful and annoying infant stage too.  I totally feel you.  I also felt like a punished slave alongwith the all-nighter, feeding, cleaning up...argh, what did I do to deserve this!  I dunno if its their way of saying thank you or I love you but its not making anything better.  They smiled everytime after each bite and would try again with serious intent despite my "ouch! that's hurts!!!" with a lion stare and gorilla grip. My husband would ask, "oh what happened to you???" with bleeding boo-boo on the shoulder, neck, arms, belly. chest, cheek.. yeah, you can name a constellation out of it. Have you named yours yet?

    I guess its similar with licking everything off the floor.  Infants do have the primal instinct to explore and learn about their environment using their tongue. I guess the teeth/biting just comes with it. Or it could be teething too and we Moms are simply the most tender and juicy and most accessible teether there is. 

    As to stopping it, I cannot recall taking measures but they probably just outgrew it.  Sometimes, when they did it though, I would leave them behind in their crib or on the floor and walk out because I felt like throwing them out the window.  Of course they cried a good cry and gave them a now-think-about-what-you-did! for 5 mins. I still find myself saying that, though, with my 2 older kids all for other reasons. Yeah, you'll get there soon enough.  Get a box of Band-aid!  :D
  • Thursday, August 12, 2010 1:03 PM
    Reply # 401650 on 376858

    My son has never been much of a bitter until recently. He attends daycare part-time and when he gets excited or overtired he  somtimes nips at me. I do not ever recommend biting your child back. Not even as a last resort. That, in my opinion, only reinforces the behaviour and badly. There are many ways to correct this ethically.

    From what I have read, I understand that children often resort to biting out of frustation or irritability due to lack of sleep, over excitment and so forth. The child may not be able to therefore properly express him or herself and thus uses other measures to make themselves 'heard'.

    I would firstly suggest, taking out a book from the library on the subject and reading up on it. It is very common. Secondly, you may notice a trend as to when it occcurs (over-excitment, before naps/bed etc) and you can deal with it accordingly using the techniques described in the book. I love the book entitled "mother of all baby books" or   " what to expect the toddler years".

    As for my son, he is a bit older than yours so I used verbal methods to express how I felt. "That hurts mommy"  When my toddler bit another friend I did not go to my toddler and punish or express my distaste, instead, I went to his little friend and soothed them as much as I could.

    Hope this helps you!

  • Friday, August 13, 2010 11:05 PM
    Reply # 402581 on 401650
    Laura King wrote:

    My son has never been much of a bitter until recently. He attends daycare part-time and when he gets excited or overtired he  somtimes nips at me. I do not ever recommend biting your child back. Not even as a last resort. That, in my opinion, only reinforces the behaviour and badly. There are many ways to correct this ethically.

    From what I have read, I understand that children often resort to biting out of frustation or irritability due to lack of sleep, over excitment and so forth. The child may not be able to therefore properly express him or herself and thus uses other measures to make themselves 'heard'.

    I would firstly suggest, taking out a book from the library on the subject and reading up on it. It is very common. Secondly, you may notice a trend as to when it occcurs (over-excitment, before naps/bed etc) and you can deal with it accordingly using the techniques described in the book. I love the book entitled "mother of all baby books" or   " what to expect the toddler years".

    As for my son, he is a bit older than yours so I used verbal methods to express how I felt. "That hurts mommy"  When my toddler bit another friend I did not go to my toddler and punish or express my distaste, instead, I went to his little friend and soothed them as much as I could.

    Hope this helps you!

    You're funny Laura! I expected way worse!! Trust me, I felt TERRIBLE after doing it and I wouldn't do it again (although to this day he hasn't bit me again). I was simply sharing my experience, perhaps as a lesson more than anything. I agree there are likely better ways to go about it...but at the time, thats what worked. So far he hasnt bitten any friends...lets hope it stays that way!!!

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