Thanks for your interest! All the exhibitor spots are full. Please look to participate at our future events!
Life With A Baby is having an MPower Managing the Motherload Event!
We are also looking for exhibitors that provide services and products for moms and babies.
Here's the pricing and details:
There are no RESP, Investments, Insurance or Mortgage spots available.
Please put the name of your business when you register so others can see if there is a similar vendor already attending. Make your registration visible.
If you have any questions, you can email Winnie at Thanks and looking forward to having you at our event!
You can check out the event page here:
Registration Deadline: Friday, May 25, 2018.(Spaces are limited. First come, first serve basis.)
P.S. - We already have the following exhibitors attending: Arbonne, DoTerra
© 2020 Life with A Baby, Inc. All Rights Reserved.